Tasks: Possibility to assign multiple users to the same task
under review
David San José Valentín
Beyond the fact that there are times when more than one agent comes to a task such as a visit or a recruitment, this option is interesting so that, for example, the person responsible for a team is also aware of the pending tasks of their team.
David Roa
Good approach
Hopefully they can apply it soon
Merged in a post:
Assign multiple managers to the same task
To be able to include several agents in the same task and that both of them receive the same notification of the assigned task.
Elena Kempf
Hello, we are the same, I join the request!
Merged in a post:
Task assigned to multiple users
Hernán Ariel Nenna
It would be interesting, the same task, to be able to assign it to more than one commercial. Sometimes I go with my partner to a recruitment or visit, and it would be interesting to be able to assign the task to both of them and have it pop up in the Google Calendar.
very good idea!
It would be interesting if two commercials could be added to the same task, such as recruitment tasks, etc.
under review
Very good idea
Sandra Gljn
I'm interested
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